Abortion in the Democratic Republic Of Congo (DRC)


Is abortion legal in the Democratic Republic of Congo?

The Criminal Code of the Democratic Republic of Congo prohibits abortion.

However, the DRC has ratified, without reservation, the Maputo Protocol, which allows for abortion in cases of sexual assault, rape, incest, and when the pregnancy endangers the mental or physical health of the pregnant person. The DRC is a monist state, meaning that international laws and treaties are immediately incorporated into national law and dictates that any national law (Criminal Code) that contradicts international law or treaties (Maputo Protocol) is null and void. Therefore, in principle, the Maputo protocol should invalidate the prohibition of abortion in the national Criminal Code. However, this has not been the case.

The ratification of the Maputo Protocol and the principle of monism has been the basis of advocacy by the DRC women’s movement, which calls for the legalization of abortion and/or the extension of therapeutic abortion to the cases provided for in the Maputo protocol.


What are the different abortion services available in the Democratic Republic of Congo?

As abortion is not legal in the DRC, there are no legal abortion services available in the country. However, clandestine abortion services exist that offer medical abortion and surgical abortion (such as manual vacuum aspiration).

Who can provide a safe abortion in the Democratic Republic of Congo?

Doctors, midwives and trained nurses can provide abortions in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Although this is mostly done clandestinely


Where can I go for abortion services in the Democratic Republic of Congo?

Abortion services are available in hospitals. Abortion pills can be accessed in pharmacies.


What is the cost of a safe abortion in the Democratic Republic of Congo?

The price of abortion pills in DRC ranges between $30 to $100.

The price of a manual vacuum aspiration ranges from $40 to $150.


Which abortion pills are available in the Democratic Republic of Congo?

  • Mifepristone (Mife care, Mifeprex)
  • Misoprostol (Misco care, Miso)
  • Combipack with Mifepristone and Misoprostol (Mifepack)

Where can I buy abortion pills in the Democratic Republic of Congo?

Abortion pills can be bought in a pharmacy or clinic on prescription although this is sometimes sold clandestinely without prescription.


What do abortion pills look like in the Democratic Republic of Congo?


Misocare Abortion Pill


Mifecare Abortion Pill

MISO 200


Mifepack Abortion Pill


An image of the Mifeprex (Mifepristone) 200 mg tablet packaging, tailored for the Democratic Republic of the Congo market.


What are the post-abortion care services available in the Democratic Republic of Congo?

Post abortion services are legal in DRC and are provided in private and public health centres and hospitals. Services offered include post abortion care for case of incomplete abortion or abortion complications, contraceptive services and STI prevention.


Who can I contact for additional abortion information and support in the Democratic Republic of Congo?

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