Is abortion legal in Guinea?
Abortion is only legal in Guinea in case of incest, rape, foetal malformation, and if the health of the pregnant person is threatened.
Abortion is only legal in Guinea in case of incest, rape, foetal malformation, and if the health of the pregnant person is threatened.
The two types of abortion services available in Guinea are classified as:
Medical abortions, using mifepristone and misoprostol, or misoprostol alone or Surgical abortions, using Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA)
Gynecologists, midwives and traditional birth attendants in rural areas.
Abortion services are available in hospitals and clinics.
The price of an abortion with manual vacuum aspiration depends on the case and gestational age, but would cost at least 400,000fg. The price of a medical abortion is 10,000fg to 40,000fg.
Mifepristone 200
Mifepristone 10
Abortion pills can be bought in public pharmacies and approved private pharmacies under medical prescription.
Post abortion services include treatment for incomplete abortion, counselling, contraceptives, prevention and treatment of STIs. These services are available in private and public hospitals.
Post abortion services are available in both private and public health centres.
The following organizations may be able to provide information and support on sexual and reproductive health in Guinea:
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