Niger is a highly religious country where abortion issues are very sensitive. However, the law allows abortion under certain conditions and abortion pills are available on prescription at the pharmacy; methods of surgical abortions are also available
Is abortion legal in Niger?
Abortion is legalised in Niger when it is provided for therapeutic reasons i.e. in case the pregnancy is injurious to the health of the woman and in case of foetal malformation. (According to Article 68, of Decree No. 2019-408/PRN/MSP of 26 July 2019 on the modalities of application of Law No. 2006-16 of 21 June 2006 on Reproductive Health in Niger).
However, post-abortion care services are legal, though implementation and access remains mired by challenges.
What are the different post-abortion care services available in Niger?
The different abortion services available are surgical abortion (with manual vacuum aspiration, MVA) and medical abortion (with misoprostol).
Who can provide post-abortion care services in Niger?
Legal abortion services can be performed either by a gynecologist, general practitioner, or midwife. Untrained providers can often cause more harm than good. In addition, religious, social, and provider stigma deters many women from seeking out these services.
Where can I go for post-abortion care services in Niger?
Post-abortion care services can be accessed at both government and private health facilities.
What is the cost of a safe abortion in Niger?
Medical and surgical abortion are free of charge in public health centres but charged for in private centres.
Medical abortions cost 50,000FCFA to 250,000FCFA
What abortion pills are available in Niger?
The two abortion pills that are available in Niger are:
- Misoprostol, which is available under the brand names Ace-Miso and Cytotec; and
- Mifepristone, which, in association with Misoprostol, is available under the brand name Mifepak.
To know how to use misoprostol to have a safe abortion, please visit:
Where can I buy abortion pills in Niger?
Abortion pills are available in maternity wards and pharmacies with a medical prescription (with the name and details of the prescribing doctor).
Some pharmacists might sell the abortion pills without a prescription; however, they do not often provide proper instructions on eligibility, dosage, and usage. Please refer to the following page on our website for comprehensive instructions on how to use the pill:
What post-abortion care services are available in Niger?
Treatment of incomplete abortion
Contraceptive services
STI prevention and treatment
Psychological care
Who can I contact for additional abortion information and support in Niger?
The following organizations may be able to provide information and support on sexual and reproductive health in Niger:
- For post abortion care (PAC) information and support or for safe abortions that are legally allowed, please contact:
Marie Stopes
+227 91 72 08 83 - Association Nigérienne pour le Bien Etre Familial
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- ‘Niger: une ONG rouvre ses centres fermés pour pratique illégale de l’IVG’ le figaro.