In Sierra Leone, abortion is illegal and not allowed under any specific grounds. The law is unclear on whether abortion can be permitted to save a woman’s life, and there is no government training for healthcare providers. Although prosecutions are rare, abortion remains a sensitive and stigmatized issue.
Abortion has been banned since 1861, with recent efforts by activists and politicians to legalize it, opposed by religious groups. In 2022, the government supported a new bill to lift the ban. Unsafe abortions contribute to the country’s high maternal mortality rate, with many women resorting to unsafe methods due to limited access to care, stigma, and lack of contraception.
Is abortion legal in Sierra Leone?
Abortion is illegal in Sierra Leone, as the law banning it has remained unchanged since the British colonial era. The Offences Against the Person Act of 1861 criminalizes abortion without specifying any legal grounds for it. While a British judicial decision (Rex v Bourne) allowed abortion to save a woman’s life under the same law, this has not been tested in Sierra Leone’s courts, leaving it unclear whether such exceptions would be permitted. Sierra Leone is the only former British colony where this law is still in effect.
A few NGOs and hospitals with trained personnel perform post- abortion care after a woman has had a miscarriage or an unsafe abortion.iiiv
What are the different abortion services available in Sierra Leone?
Sierra Leone provides restricted medical abortion (MA) as well as surgical abortion services, such as Manual Vaccum Aspiration MVA.
Who can perform legal abortions in Sierra Leone?
In Sierra Leone a legal abortion can be performed by any trained medical worker at a licensed government or private hospital.
Where can I go for safe and legal abortion and post–abortion care services in Sierra Leone?
Safe and legal abortions and post abortion care services are provided at registered public and private health facilities and at certain NGO supported clinics in accordance with the abortion law.
Pharmacists can also provide abortion pills with a written prescription from a doctor.
What is the cost of a legal safe abortion in Sierra Leone?
The average cost of a medical abortion is between Le 70,000 -Le 150,000.
Which abortion pills are available in Sierra Leone?
There are two types of abortion pills available in Sierra Leone
- Misoprostol alone which comes with the brand name Misofem
- Mifepristone and Misoprostol combination pack under brand names like MM Combi Kit and Mariprist
To know how to use mifepristone and misoprostol to have a safe abortion, please visit:
Where can I buy abortion pills in Sierra Leone?
Misoprostol (Cytotec) and/or the combination of Misoprostol and Mifepristone (Medabon) can be found in some pharmacies in Sierra Leone, but can only be dispensed with an accompanying prescription.
What do abortion pills look like in Sierra Leone?
This is what the MM COMBI KIT abortion pill looks like:
This is what the MARIPRIST COMBI PACK abortion pill looks like:
Who can I contact for additional abortion information and support in Sierra Leone?
- DKT sexual and reproductive health contact center: Call 1221
- Planned Parenthood Association of Sierra Leone (PPA SL)
Facebook: - For Post Abortion Care (PAC) information and support, pleaase contact the following:
Marie Stopes International Sierra Leone:
Short code: 3535 (Toll free with Orange & Africell) - Ministry of Health & Sanitation of Sierra Leone
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- i “Sierra Leone backs bill to legalise abortion and end colonial-era law” The Guardian.
- ii“Towards Progressively Reforming Abortion law and the Health Care System in Sierra Leone.” Sierra Lii
- iii “Criminalization of Abortion in Sierra Leone -Women’s Lives at Risk. An AdvocAid Briefing.” Paper (February 2016).
- iiiv “Unsafe Abortion in Sierra Leone: An Examination of Costs and Burden of Treatment on Healthcare Resources” Paul, et al., J Women’s Health Care 2015, 4:2