Abortion in the United States


Is abortion legal in the United States?

In 2022 the Supreme Court overturned Roe Vs. Wade which federally guaranteed women the right to abortion. Abortion laws will now vary on a state by state basis.

Numerous state-based laws restrict access in other ways, including by requiring consent for minors, waiting periods between the initial consultation and initiating the abortion, and/or requiring that only doctors provide the abortion.


What are the different abortion services available in the United States?

Note: D&C is an invasive method that involves more risk and days of recovery. International organizations do not recommend it unless it is the only possible option.


Who can perform abortions in the United States?

Though each state regulates abortion differently, in the United States abortion can be performed by one or more of the following types of providers:

  • Doctor
  • Advance Practice Clinician (Nurse Practitioner, Physician’s Assistant)
  • Midwife (Certified Nurse Midwife)

Where can I go for abortion services in the United States?

  • Carafem At carafem health centers, you’ll find compassionate, convenient abortion care, birth control options and STI testing and treatment. By using the newest technology and best medical practices, carafem focuses on your unique needs and respects your time, with most appointments lasting about an hour. Abortion options include both the abortion pill and the carefem Procedure – a safe and simple method of ending an early pregnancy in the office with a gentle and quiet hand-held suction device. carafem has health centers serving the greater Washington, D.C., Atlanta, Chicago, and Nashville metropolitan areas and a Virtual Visit Center serving fifteen states (and growing – check here for details).
  • Planned Parenthood Planned Parenthood provides medical and surgical abortion through its many health centers throughout the country. Planned Parenthood is uniquely positioned to integrate birth control with abortion services. Through offering pre- and post-abortion counseling and birth control method choice, Planned Parenthood enables women to prevent an unplanned pregnancy subsequent to an abortion.
  • Independent Abortion Clinics Visit the Abortion Care Network website to see if there is an independent abortion care center near you. Independent providers can also help you start a birth control method after the abortion.
  • Protect yourself from fake clinics In the US, there are a number of fake women’s health centers that work to prevent women from accessing safe abortion services. Learn more about what they are and how to avoid them at the #ExposeFakeClinics project by Abortion Access Front.

What is the cost of an abortion in the United States?

  • The average cost of a first trimester abortion in the United States is $504, but costs can range from $400 to $900. The cost of surgical and medical abortion are typically the same. Later term abortions are more expensive. Some insurance plans and state reimbursement plans cover abortion, though many do not. The National Network of Abortion Funds can help those requiring financial assistance access support for the abortion and related costs (such as travel to a clinic).
  • If you need financial help to pay for your abortion, there are funds throughout the USA that may be able to give you a loan or grant for part of the costs.  The first step is to call the clinic where you will have your abortion.  To find a clinic, you can check http://prochoice.org/think-youre-pregnant/find-a-provider/ or http://www.plannedparenthood.org/health-center. Clinics listed at these sites are able to give you a small grant to help pay for your abortion through the Justice Fund. They can also tell you if Medicaid can help cover the cost of abortion in your state.
  • For additional financial support, there are abortion funds in most states.  Go to http://www.fundabortionnow.org/need-abortion to find the fund in your state, or call the National Network of Abortion Funds at 617-267-7161. You can also call the helpline at the National Abortion Federation for referrals and funding. The number is 1-800-772-9100 and the best times to call are between 6 and 11:00 PM EST Mon-Friday, noon-9:00 PM EST on Saturdays, or anytime on Sunday 9 AM -9:00 PM EST.

What are the legal and safe abortion drugs available in the United States?

  • Mifepristone (Mifeprex) plus misoprostol
  • Misoprostol

Can I buy abortion pills at a pharmacy in the United States?

No. Abortion pills are not sold in pharmacies. The pills must be obtained directly from the abortion provider.


Can I buy abortion pills online in the United States?

Some people in the United States have reported obtaining abortion pills through online pharmacies. Because these pharmacies are unregulated, there is little information available about their reliability. Researchers have purchased products from a number of online pharmacies and received abortion pills by mail. Chemical analysis found that the pills contained the labeled active ingredients. For more information about this research and how people in the United States are accessing abortion pills through the internet, visit www.plancpills.org and Mayday.health. In addition, a US-based service—Self-managed Abortion Safe and Supported (SASS)—provides a secure chat feature for those who have questions about accessing abortion pills in this way.


While no person should be prosecuted for providing their own medical care, there have been at least 18 instances in the United States of people being prosecuted for performing their own abortion (often after buying pills on the internet). For more information, visit the Self Induced Abortion (SIA) Legal Team.


Who can I contact for additional abortion information and support in the United States?

  • National Network of Abortion Funds: Financial support
  • Carafem: Early abortion care, contraception services, and STI testing and treatment in four health centers and through telehealth in 15 states.
  • Planned Parenthood: Health services and resources
  • Abortion Care Network: Health services and resources
  • Plan C: Health services and resources
  • Self-managed Abortion Safe and Supported: Health services and resources
  • Self-induced Abortion Legal Team: Legal counsel
  • All Options: Pregnancy, parenting, abortion, adoption resources
  • The National Abortion Federation: Information resources
  •  M+A Hotline: If you need support to self-manage your miscarriage or abortion, call or text the Miscarriage + Abortion Hotline, 1-833-246-2632.
  • Mayday.health: Visit Mayday to learn how to get abortion pills in any state in the first 12 weeks.
  • Reprocare: Emotional Support, Info on Taking Abortion Pills & Help Navigating Resources. If you need support to self manage an abortion, call or text Reprocare at 833-226-7821*
  • I Need An A: Up-to-date information on accessing abortion options in your state, including a directory of clinics that provide abortion care.
  • AbortionFinder: A comprehensive directory of trusted (and verified) abortion service providers and assistance resources in the US.
  • Charley: Interactive and personalized information on abortion laws and procedures in all 50 states.
  • DuPont Clinic: An all-trimester (from 4 weeks through 31 weeks and 6 days) abortion clinic based in Washington, DC. All patients are paired with a dedicated abortion doula and have private patient rooms. Phone: +12028442004. Appointment request: https://dupontclinic.com/request-an-appointment/.
  • Women on Web
    For all countries they have a dedicated help desk and a team of supervising doctors on stand-by. They ask for a donation, but they provide financial assistance. They can support minors. You can contact their team by WhatsApp: +14385967646

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