We Provide Safe Abortion Pill Information

Who We Are

HowToUseAbortionPill is an online community run by dedicated individuals who believe that everybody, regardless of where they live, should have access to a safe abortion option.

about us

What We Do

HowToUseAbortionPill works to share facts and resources about the abortion pill – what to consider beforehand, where to acquire quality abortion pills, how to use them safely, what to expect, and when to seek medical help if necessary. We’re here to equip people with the information they need to safely navigate abortion on their own terms.

Where we work

HowToUseAbortionPill is a global organization – we’re here to provide information and resources. We currently have our website translated into 26 languages. Need a language you don’t see? Contact us at info@howtouseabortionpill.org


Every effort is made to ensure the information contained in the pages of the website is accurate. However, contents are subject to change from time to time and the authors can accept no liability for the accuracy of the information presented at any given time.



  • All content featured on this website is written by the HowToUseAbortionPill.org team in compliance with standards and protocols from The National Abortion Federation, Ipas, the World Health Organization, DKT International and carafem.
  • The National Abortion Federation (NAF) is the professional association of abortion providers in North America, and a leader in the pro-choice movement. Content on HowToUseAbortionPill.org is aligned with the 2020 Clinical Policy Guidelines released by NAF.
  • Ipas is the only international organization solely focused on expanding access to safe abortion and contraceptive care. Content on HowToUseAbortionPill.org is aligned with the Clinical Updates In Reproductive Health 2019 released by Ipas.
  • The World Health Organization (WHO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations responsible for international public health. Content on HowToUseAbortionPill.org is aligned with the 2012 Safe abortion: technical and policy guidance for health systems released by WHO.
  • DKT International is a registered, non-profit organization founded in 1989 to focus the power of social marketing on some of the largest countries with the greatest needs for family planning, HIV/AIDS prevention and safe abortion.
  • carafem is a clinic network providing convenient and professional abortion care and family planning so people can control the number and spacing of their children.